Recently at work we started a little thing we're calling the UNICORN (Ultimate Necessary Intelligence Collaboration On Real (k)Nowlege) sessions (we're on a unicorn kick, ok?) where every couple of weeks two of us do a presentation about something, professionally-related or not, to the rest of the company over our lunch hour.
Last week it was my turn! I did a presentation on the BEM naming convention for CSS.
I started learning about BEM late last year, and recently completed my first large project using BEM. I found it to be a really positive experience, so wanted to share what BEM was with the rest of my team here at Web Advanced.
Speaking in front of a group of people is scary, and I've been looking to get more experience with public speaking. I'm not sure I'd ever feel comfortable enough to speak at a conference in front of hundreds of people, but I had a lot of fun doing a small presentation for my company.
If you'd like to read the version of my presentation with my speaker notes, you can find it here.