Maybe I'll get this one finished.

Goal is to have tasks that will take between 2-4 hours to complete so doing them alongside freelance work and full time work is feasible.

Tasks that will take longer have been broken up into smaller chunks.

The List

Completed out of so far.

  1. Headless CMS - Build a full site using (styling not necessary, just needs to pull correct content) View
  2. Vue.js - Finish filtering work on the Daughters of the Alliance roster page in Vue View
  3. CSS - (cont. from above) Style Daughters of the Alliance roster page View
  4. Caching - Learn about caching (cache api requests for DotA website)
  5. Vue.js and chart.js - Create some visual representations of classes and/or races in Daughters of the Alliance
  6. HTML/CSS - Start simple fun page for Warcraft Pet Battles. Pick 1 team (3 pets) and include their info via API.
  7. Vue.js - (cont. from above) Allow user to pick 3 pets to build a team
  8. HTML/CSS - (cont. from above) Experiment with creating a bracket (such as a double elimination bracket)
  9. CSS - (cont. from above) Use CSS animation to animate some things on the page (like a sprite animation of Perky Pug)
  10. API - Build a simple API for practice (try to think of something practical, but if not anything will do)
  11. API - Build another API (practice makes perfect)
  12. API - Build an API to return random pictures of Grubby Link TBD
  13. Full stack - Build a site like with Grubby photos
  14. HTML/CSS - Build a timeline of the history of DotA
  15. CSS/JS - (cont. from above) Add animations and interactions
  16. Vue.js - List video games with Giant Bomb api
  17. Vue.js - (cont. from above) Add filtering
  18. Database - (cont. from above) Create functionality to allow saving a collection of games with different statuses for each
  19. Vue.js - (cont. from above) Allow login (via facebook) so users can save their own collections
  20. Vue.js - (cont from above) create a component that will pick an uncompleted game from the backlog for the user to play
  21. CSS Art - Make a piece of CSS art (inspired by View
  22. Bundlers - Experiment with webpack - get something simple running and working on any project (implemented for work project)
  23. Bundlers - Experiment with parcel js - get something simple running and working on any project
  24. JavaScript - (cont. from above) What WoW class should you play (with hybrids etc)? Functionality for quiz
  25. HTML/CSS - Make a single page based on a Heroes of the Storm character
  26. CSS - (cont. from above) use CSS grid on part of the Heroes page
  27. HTML/CSS - (cont. from above) enhancements to page with js, animations, etc
  28. SVG - (cont. from above) Make an SVG for the Heroes of the Storm page and animate it
  29. Lazy loading - Experiment with lazy loading
  30. Node.js - (detail tbd) work more with Node and Express
  31. Docker - Deploy a site with docker/dokku View
  32. Tests - Work tests into a project (completed on a work project to be launched)
  33. Ember.js - Core the loot hound - allow a user to mark a character as their primary character so it shows first in the list
  34. Open Source - Contribute to an open source project
  35. Performance - Get a site to have an A on pagespeed insights (or something similar)
  36. React - Work on the Geeklists project with Chris
  37. State Management - (detail tbd) Include some state management tools like redux or vuex in a project
  38. Design patterns - practice 1-2 design patterns in a practical situation (done w/ Udacity Javascript Design Patterns course)
  39. Design patterns - (detail tbd) practice 1-2 more design patterns in a practical situation
  40. Functional programming - (detail tbd) build a project using functional programming principles
  41. HTML/CSS/JS - Typing game - Start with simple prototype (type single words correctly)
  42. HTML/CSS/JS - Typing game - Add timers to words to type and to typing streak
  43. HTML/CSS/JS - Typing game - Add concept of lives when a timer runs out and scoring
  44. Full stack - DotA gallery - Allow people to upload DotA screenshots to a gallery which then get displayed
  45. Full stack - DotA gallery - Add authentication (user must have a character in Daughters of the Alliance)
  46. Full stack - DotA gallery - Add nice front end validation to form (ask character name, photo to upload, photo caption)
  47. Full stack - DotA gallery - Back end validation for form
  48. Accessibility - DotA website - Make site WCAG 2.0 AA compliant View
  49. Accessibility - DotA website - Work specifically on the roster to make it accessible for screen readers etc
  50. ES6 - On DotA website, no jquery and focus on es6 for practice purposes View
  51. CSS - Experiment with flexbox/grid/etc (done on resume at View
  52. JavaScript - (detail tbd) some way to test knowledge of things like map, reduce, etc (game?)